Dibblee Maps
Humboldt Basin - Click here for a larger interactive map Northern Basin - Click here for a larger interactive map Southern Basin - Click here for a larger interactive map Desert Basin - Click here for a larger interactive map

Four separate Interactive Regional Index Maps will assist you in selecting your Dibblee Geologic Map. To launch the appropriate Interactive Regional Index Map, hold your cursor over the desired area on the California map image (to the left) and the Interactive Regional Index Map names will appear. Click anywhere in that region and a detailed Index will appear. Clicking the selected quadrangle will automatically place that map into your shopping cart. You can download the file directly after checkout.

Each quadrangle or double-quadrangle is priced at $22 per download.

Discounts are available for bulk purchase by institutional customers. Contact AAPG/Datapages for details.

These maps were created by the Dibblee Geology Center at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (SBMNH) in conjunction with AAPG/Datapages and Generation Graphics, Inc. There currently are 419 maps in the entire Dibblee Map Collection and all are available for download as PDFs through the AAPG Bookstore. The entire Dibblee Map Collection is also available in hard copy from the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (see online store at: http://www.sbnature.org).

Dibblee Geology Maps Specifications

  1. Scale is 1:24,000 or 1:62,500 depending on the map.
  2. Maps feature high quality PDF created from the original files.
  3. Maps include USGS topographic map overlay layer.
  4. Maps are geo-registered to the four corners of each map using the original USGS overlay projection: (a) North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27); (b) Universal Transverse Mercator Grid (UTM zone 10 or zone 11).
  5. All maps are within the State of California and were field mapped by Thomas Wilson Dibblee, Jr.
  6. Requires wide format printer for full size printing.

GeoPDF (Adobe Acrobat) Features and Requirements

  1. Adobe Acrobat Reader - Version 9.1 (or newer) is required to take full advantage of the GeoPDF features, but any version of Acrobat Reader will display the map for review and/or printing.
  2. To review GeoPDF features, go to the [Analysis] section in the [Tools] drop down menu; then go to [Preferences/Measuring] (Geo) to change the geospatial measurement to meet your needs.
  3. View Map Information Layers - To view separate GeoPDF layer feature, go to [View/Navigation Panels/Layers].
  4. Requires wide format printer for full size printing.

Important Disclaimer

This map is a basic reference resource prepared primarily for regional academic and scientific purposes. It provides an overview of presumed conditions and should not be relied upon for commercial or institutional purposes where site-specific analysis is required. The data depicted herein is based on reconnaissance geologic field mapping, including the identification and interpretation of surface conditions, and data compilation by T.W. Dibblee, Jr., with strong emphasis on basic bedrock geology. No warranty as to actual conditions is expressed or implied. Site-specific conditions should be verified by the user through detailed surface mapping and/or subsurface exploration. Topographic and cultural changes associated with recent development may not be shown. Landslides, faults and other geologic hazards may not be shown. Information about such hazards may be available from other published sources. References cited are not intended to represent a complete bibliography on the geology of this area. This map does not show Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones and/or Seismic Hazard Zones, if any exist in this area, which California law requires be disclosed and used to regulate development. For more information about these topics, please visit the California Geological Survey website at http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs.

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